Nice overview of the results of Germany’s supposed Green Energy Transition.

Unfortunately, this was so predictable. I hope Germany’s manufacturing sector will survive, but I am not optimistic.

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And that’s the real shame: Germanys ability to make things is on the line. If this goes too much more, Germany will self- relegated itself to a beautiful tourist spot with beer and mountains, and not much more.

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Apr 7Liked by PenguinEmpireReports

And if they're not careful they will find themselves relearning Cyrillic.

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A collapsing germany will throw Europe into war.

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Apr 7Liked by PenguinEmpireReports

German Greenwishing itself into second class citizenship.

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100%. Hopefully they right course soon but we’ll see.

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Apr 9Liked by PenguinEmpireReports

I was very surprised to read that 10% of Germany’s energy generation comes from biomass (burning wood)! That’s a regression towards a preindustrial revolution era. Has this number significantly increased? Or has wood burning been this large of a slice of Germany’s energy production all along? Thanks!

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Yes, it’s greatly increased in the past 20 years. But when you don’t count biomass as ‘carbon pollutants’ because the trees already took carbon out of the air, you can use biomass to replace coal and claim to be net zero.

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Apr 9Liked by PenguinEmpireReports

Thanks for the information! That’s awfully silly.

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It's retarded actually.

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“In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.”

Galileo Galilei

Believe = religion

Think = opinion

Know = science

Here is what I know.

What do you know that’s different?

GHE theory fails because of these two erroneous assumptions:

Earth is warmed by GHE/GHGs preventing it from becoming a 33 C cooler, 255 K, -18 C ball of ice.



Earth’s surface radiates “extra” LWIR energy as a black body creating an upwelling, looping, trapping warming effect.


Earth is cooler w the atmos/WV/30% albedo not warmer.

YouTube: Greenhouse Effect Theory Goes Kerbluey (terminated)

Ubiquitous GHE heat balance graphics use bad math and badder physics.

YouTube: Atmospheric Heat Balances That Don't (terminated)

Kinetic heat transfer modes of contiguous atmos molecules render a BB surface model impossible.

Search: “Bruges group kerbluey”

Consensus science has a well-documented history of being way wrong and abusing those who dared to challenge it (Bruno drawn & quartered) & the current consensus is wrong about GHE & CAGW.

GHE theory & CAGW climate “science” are indefensible pseudo-science rubbish forcing alarmists to resort to fear mongering, lies, lawsuits, censorship and violence.

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FYI: At least one of your slides has the Fraunhofer Institute spelled Frauhofer.

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Thanks for the catch

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